Workshop schedule
Call for Papers
Important dates
- Submission Deadline: Tue 19 Jan 2021 (AoE)
- Acceptance Notification: Mon 22 Feb 2021
- Camera Ready: Fri 12 Mar 2021
- Workshop: May 30-31 2021
Workshop organizers
- Helena Holmström Olsson, Malmö U, SE
- Ivica Crnkovic, Chalmers U, SE
- Jan Bosch, Chalmers U, SE
- Lucy Ellen Lwakatare, Chalmers U., SE
Proceedings Chair and Web master
- David Issa Mattos, Chalmers U, SE
Program Committee
- Aleksander Fabijan, Microsoft, USA
- Aneta Vulgarakis, Ericsson, SE
- Anders Arpteg, Peltarion, SE
- Barbara Plank, IT U of Copenhagen, DK
- Bram Adams, Queen’s University, CA
- Brian Fitzgerald, Lero, IE
- Christian Bird, Microsoft, USA
- Christoph Brand, Siemens, DE
- Daniel Langkilde, Annotell, SE
- David Lo, Singapore Management U, SG
- David Rosenblum, George Mason U, USA
- Foutse Khomh, Polytechnique Montréal, CA
- Frances Paulisch, Siemens Healthineers, DE
- Grace Lewis, CMU-SEI, USA
- Henry Muccini, L’Aquila, IT
- Ian Gorton, Northeastern U – Seattle, USA
- Ipek Ozkaya, CMU-SEI, USA
- Jane Cleland-Huang, U of Notredame, USA
- Luis Miranda da Cruz, TU Delft, NL
- Mats Nordlund, Zenseact and AI Sweden, SE
- Patrizio Pelliccione, L’Aquila University, IT
- Pavel Dimitriev, Outreach, USA
- Petra Heck, Fontys U of Applied Sciences, NL
- Per Runeson, Lund University, SE
- Raghu Sangwan, Penn State University, US
- Roland Weiss, ABB, CH
- Sylivia Ilieva, Sofia University, BG
- Tien Nguyen, The U of Texas at Dallas, USA
- Tim Menzies, NC State University, USA
- Tom Zimmermann, Microsoft, USA
- Liming Zhu, CSIRO, AU
This URL is a mirror of the original WAIN’21 page
Note: New submission deadline Jan 19, 2021
In development and implementation of AI-based systems , the main challenge is not to develop the best models/algorithms, but to provide support for the entire lifecycle – from a business idea, through collection and management of data, software development managing both data and code, product deployment and operation, and to its evolution. There is a clear need for specific support of Software Engineering for AI.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners in software engineering, in data-science and AI, and to build up a community that will target the new challenges emerging in Software Engineering that AI/data-science engineers and software engineers are facing in development of AI-based systems. The workshop will be highly interactive: In addition to the invited keynotes and short paper presentations, there will be several discussion sessions. We plan to combine local and remote participation.
Call for submission
You are invited to submit
- A research or experience full paper with 8 pages max. Papers describing the challenges, starting results, vision papers, or the experience papers from or in cooperation with the practitioners are encouraged.
- A short research or experience paper with 4 pages max. The same topics as for long papers.
- Position paper with expressed interest, 1 page.
The full and short paper submissions will undergo a review process with three independent reviews and a virtual PC decision meeting. The acceptance criteria include novelty, research and industrial relevance, soundness, experiences, and preliminary results. The accepted full and short papers will be published in IEEE Proceedings as a workshop proceedings at the ICSE conference. The position papers will be published on the workshop web page.
Topis of interests
The overall area is Software Engineering for AI, i.e. means to improve development of software AI-based systems and software-intensive systems, including topics relevant for the entire lifecycle. The suggested topics are (but not limited to):
- System and software requirements and their relations AI/ML modelling;
- Data management ensuring relevance and efficiency related to business goals;
- System and software architecture of AI-based systems;
- Integration of AI-development process and software development processes, including continuous and federated ML, continuous deployment, system and software evolution;
- Ensuring and managing system and software nonfunctional properties and their relation to AI/ML properties, including run-time properties such as performance, safety, security, reliability, and life-cycle properties including reusability, maintainability and evolution;
- Development teams, organizational and management issues for a successful development of AI-systems.
Submission form
Submissions must conform to the IEEE formatting instructions IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines. The official publication date of the workshop proceedings is the date the proceedings are made available by IEEE. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of ICSE 2021. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Please note, the submissions should NOT be double blind, i.e. in the submission the authors should be specified.
The papers should be submitted to EasyChair web page. The submission deadline is firm.